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Advent France Biotechnology becomes AdBio partners

Advent France Biotechnology becomes AdBio partners

New name reflects venture capital firm’s international expansion as group of entrepreneur-investors adding value in biotech
Name change follows launch of second fund in September 2021 with first close at €86M aimed at building tomorrow’s most promising biotech start-ups

Genoskin launches MANTIS, a spatial biology imaging platform dedicated to skin immunology

Genoskin launches MANTIS, a spatial biology imaging platform dedicated to skin immunology

MANTIS (Multiplex ANnotated Tissue Imaging System) was developed at Infinity (Inserm U1291, France) by Dr. Nicolas Gaudenzio and his team; Dr. Gaudenzio was recently appointed as Genoskin’s Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)

Genoskin licensed intellectual property from Inserm to develop MANTIS as a spatial biology platform dedicated to skin immunology and to characterizing drug effects on human skin