Medicen Paris Region and its partners unveil selected startups for the Soft Landing Boston program

Home 9 Events 9 Medicen Paris Region and its partners unveil selected startups for the Soft Landing Boston program
Paris, France, March 29, 2017 – Soft Landing Boston is a program for medtech and eHealth companies (medical devices, wearables or diagnostics products). Designed by Medicen Paris Region, Bpifrance, French Tech Hub, Mednest and MassMEDIC, this program is aimed at helping companies to develop their innovative products in North America. In the second edition of […]

Paris, France, March 29, 2017 – Soft Landing Boston is a program for medtech and eHealth companies (medical devices, wearables or diagnostics products). Designed by Medicen Paris Region, Bpifrance, French Tech Hub, Mednest and MassMEDIC, this program is aimed at helping companies to develop their innovative products in North America. In the second edition of the program, eight companies have been selected to attend an intensive program during the MassMEDIC event in Boston in May.

In an initial round that took place in February, a group of 13 companies was chosen out of 24 startups and SMES that applied. They had the opportunity to pitch to a bilateral expert judging panel composed of healthcare experts, investors and representatives of innovation organizations from Paris and Boston, such as Brown Rudnick, Acceleration International and Bpifrance. In the second round, eight companies were selected based on their innovative solutions, team expertise and business potential for the US market.

The winners will attend an intensive five-day program in Boston in early May. This includes workshops focusing on reimbursement, healthcare economics and fundraising strategy, and qualified mentoring sessions as well as further pitching opportunities. They will also benefit from increased visibility in the US market. On March 20, they all attended a one-day preparatory bootcamp organized by Bpifrance, at its dedicated space for innovation in Paris (Le Hub), in order to be fully operational on arrival in Boston.

The eight laureates offer a wide range of technologies, from medical devices to wearables and diagnostics:

  • BioSerenity launched Neuronaute, a mobile EEG system using smart clothing that allows for long term monitoring of EEG signals in order to help with the diagnosis of epilepsy
  • DAMAE Medical provides dermatologists with a new in vivo imaging modality capable of producing in-depth images of the tissue, similar to histology without the need for skin tissue excision and processing
  • DeepOR: Time is a scarce resource in hospital Operating Rooms (ORs). DeepOR offers an innovative solution in automating workflow management and monitoring real-time activity in the OR. Thanks to DeepOR’s artificial intelligence, medical staff can focus on caregiving and more patients have access to surgery
  • Microbrain Biotech develops and designs microfluidic devices and Nerve-on-Chip (reconstructed neuron networks at the micron scale). Microbrain offers new approaches for evaluation and screening of molecules (compartmentalized pharmacology, functional networks)
  • Neurallys develops a smart sensor offering continuous measurement of intracranial pressure for patients living with hydrocephalus to diagnose valve dysfunction, increasing patient comfort and preventing exploratory surgeries for people who have a shunt
  • RYTHM applied years of neuroscience research and combined it with advanced technology to develop an active sleep wearable device, allowing improvement in sleep quality through brain auditory stimulations
  • SURICOG develops an innovative and turnkey eye-tracking medical device. This recognized solution, used by 50+ medical centers, assists practitioners in the diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Using its proprietary eye interactivity technology, SURICOG is committed to developing new digital therapies dedicated to brain diseases
  • Tongue Lab develops the first oral devices for curative treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, improving sports performance and the sense of wellness on awakening

“We are impressed by the potential of the 2017 batch and excited to welcome them to Boston soon,” said Marie Buhot Launay, General Manager, US Market Entry at French Tech Hub.

“We are extremely pleased about this collaboration with the French Tech Hub and the continuity of our actions within the Boston ecosystem, which is a strong priority for Medicen Paris Region and its members. The ongoing dynamics allow us to enrich the program over the years. We’re convinced we will initiate future success stories in the US market,” said Béatrice Falise-Mirat, CEO of Medicen Paris Region.

“We are delighted to be part of this high-level program in Boston, organized for the eight winners selected for the Soft Landing scheme. This initiative perfectly matches the dynamic of international immersion of startups that Bpifrance wishes to strenghten,” said Evelyne Scuto Gaillard, director of development and innovation support at Bpifrance.

Following the one-week immersion program, two companies will be selected and will have the opportunity to pitch at the MassMEDIC medtech showcase in October 2017.

For further information, please contact Medicen Paris Region and French Tech Hub.

About Medicen Paris Region

Medicen Paris Region is a competitiveness cluster for innovative health technologies, with national and international scope. With nearly 300 companies, research centers, universities, hospitals and local authorities as members, it aims to position the Paris region as Europe’s leading health cluster. It focuses on five strategic areas: biological diagnostics, diagnostic and interventional imaging, regenerative medicine and biomaterials, digital health and translational medicine. In close collaboration with local, regional and national healthcare innovation players, Medicen Paris Region aims to:

  • Foster the emergence, development and funding of certified collaborative projects in the healthcare sector, in order to create economic value and jobs
  • Increase the international development of innovative startups and SMEs
  • Strengthen the attractiveness of the Paris region, which represents more than 50% of life sciences activity in France

Since the creation of the cluster in 2005, 57 innovative products have been launched in the imaging, medical devices and biological tools sectors. 284 projects have been certified by the cluster. They received funding from the French government (French Inter-Ministry Fund FUI, Structuring Projects fund), the public investment bank Bpifrance, the National Research Agency, the European Regional Development Fund, the Investments for the Future program and/or local authorities, and the Paris region. Total investment is close to €1.2 billion and €533 million of public aid.

About French Tech Hub

With offices in Boston and San Francisco, French Tech Hub – the American subsidiary of Paris Region Entreprises – helps French innovative companies efficiently enter and accelerate growth in the US. It supports each client company with an agile team that delivers customized services to streamline US market entry, rapid expansion and operational success.

Since 2012, French Tech Hub has served over 200 clients in IT and life science. Its startups raised more than $100 million by validating their US market potential and go-to-market strategy, and by signing key US partnerships and first clients.

About MassMEDIC

MassMEDIC is the Massachusetts medical devices industrial alliance that boasts more than 350 members (hospitals, manufacturers, corporations, SMEs, academia).

About Mednest

MedNest activates the business of innovative medical technology and eHealth companies in the US Markets, when clinical, regulatory, pricing and commercial decisions need to be optimized and implemented.

MedNest’s business model and highly experienced teams empower early stage companies to enter the US Markets at a fraction of alternative solutions.

Since 2007, MedNest has coached and operated 49 international ventures from 12 different countries.

About Bpifrance

Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, is a trusted partner of entrepreneurs which provides companies with credit, collateral and equity financing support from start up through to stock exchange listing. Bpifrance also provides guidance services and enhanced support for innovation, external growth and export, in partnership with Business France and Coface.
Bpifrance offers companies a continuum of financing for each key stage of their development and an offer adapted to specific regional features. With 47 regional offices (90% of decisions are made regionally), Bpifrance offers entrepreneurs a tool for economic competitiveness. Bpifrance works in support of the public policies pursued nationally and regionally by the French government, to meet three objectives:

  • Support the growth of businesses
  • Prepare for future competitiveness
  • Contribute to the development of a favorable ecosystem for entrepreneurship

With Bpifrance, companies have a strong and effective local contact to meet all their financial, innovation and investment needs. For more information, please visit:

Twitter: @bpifrance

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