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Limbach Group adopts QuantaMatrix dRAST™ in routine clinical use

Limbach Group adopts QuantaMatrix dRAST™ in routine clinical use

QuantaMatrix’s direct Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing system (dRAST) improves optimal prescription of antibiotics by two days compared to conventional methods
Following successful validation of dRAST platform in Europe at key reference laboratories, system now adopted for clinical use

Advent France Biotechnology becomes AdBio partners

Advent France Biotechnology becomes AdBio partners

New name reflects venture capital firm’s international expansion as group of entrepreneur-investors adding value in biotech
Name change follows launch of second fund in September 2021 with first close at €86M aimed at building tomorrow’s most promising biotech start-ups

Genoskin launches MANTIS, a spatial biology imaging platform dedicated to skin immunology

Genoskin launches MANTIS, a spatial biology imaging platform dedicated to skin immunology

MANTIS (Multiplex ANnotated Tissue Imaging System) was developed at Infinity (Inserm U1291, France) by Dr. Nicolas Gaudenzio and his team; Dr. Gaudenzio was recently appointed as Genoskin’s Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)

Genoskin licensed intellectual property from Inserm to develop MANTIS as a spatial biology platform dedicated to skin immunology and to characterizing drug effects on human skin